Mesa College Student COVID-19 Emergency Fund

Providing Relief to Students

Are you a student who has been impacted by COVID-19? Click here to apply for funds.

Many of Mesa College students are among those hardest hit by the COVID-19 crisis.

Even before the outbreak, almost 50% were food insecure and nearly 1 in 5 were homeless. Many students work in sectors such as hospitality and food service that have been forced to close down. The move to online learning has meant that students without a computer, internet or other resources must overcome new barriers. And many are post-traditional students who have taken on the role of teacher to young children due to school closures.

We know that now, we will need to do more than ever. 

Immediate Action

To protect the health and safety of our students and community, Mesa College has moved all classes online. At the same time, the Mesa College community—including Associated Students, the San Diego Mesa College Foundation, and generous donors—established a COVID-19 Emergency Student Relief Fund. This fund will provide emergency assistance to students whose lives and educational goals have been disrupted by the catastrophic impact of the crisis.

How You Can Help

By donating to this fund, you can help students regain stability in the wake of crisis. The fund will help Mesa College students who have been severely impacted by the COVID-19 crisis. Together, we can help students purchase laptops, access to wifi, avoid eviction or hunger, and address other critical needs to stay safe, keep healthy, and continue their education. 

You may also send checks payable to San Diego Mesa College Foundation to 7250 Mesa College Drive, Room A-111, San Diego, CA 92111. Note that our campus is closed and, while we will be routinely checking mail, the campus closure may result in a slight delay of donation processing for all funds send via mail.

Thank you for your support of our hard working students!