


Permits are required to park on all campuses of the 圣地亚哥社区学院区, 周一到周五,早上7点.m. 直到晚上10点.m. Permits are not required on the weekend 或SDCCD假期. Vehicles may only remain parked while students are actually attending or participating in campus sponsored classes or events. 不允许过夜停车 without prior approval and a permit from campus police. 

For the most up to date information about student parking permits, including current costs, and instructions on how to purchase a permit, view the 学生会计网页.



  1. 学生在校园里哪里可以停车? 
    Vehicles displaying a valid student parking permit are permitted to park in designated student 空间 in Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, on all levels of the 停车 Structure (PS-100), and along Mesa College Circle. Along Mesa College Circle, near the tennis courts, carpool parking is allowed with a special permit granted by the campus police Q-100办公室. Please contact 619-388-2749 for additional information. 禁用/ ADA parking 空间 are available in all 停车场 for registered holders of a valid Disabled Placard, which must be displayed at all times. 不需要停车许可证 for vehicles whose registered placard owner displays an ADA placard or license plate.
    学生 permits do not authorize parking in 空间 marked "Visitor 停车" or "教师 and Staff 停车," therefore vehicles showing a student permit and parked in these 区域受到引用.

  2. 什么是“弹性”停车? 
    Vehicles displaying a valid student semester parking permit can park in “FLEX STAFF” parking 空间 located along Mesa College Circle and in Lot 1 after 4:00 pm. 这 only applies to “FLEX Staff” 空间 and not to regular staff 空间. 学生们 not permitted to park in designated “教员/员工” 空间 at any time

    There is no grace period of parking permits.  The Associated 学生 Bodies at City, Mesa, and Miramar colleges proposed eliminating grace periods, and the Management Services Council supported the proposal in the belief that greater revenue from daily permit sales could minimize the eventual need to increase student semester parking 利率.

  4. 我在哪里可以买到停车许可证?
    停车 permits may be requested at the 学生 Mesa Accounting Office (I4-106) or 通过MySDCCD门户网站在线下载. Permits are valid for only one semester and expiration 许可证上印有日期. 学生 parking permits purchased before August 10张将邮寄给学生. Permits purchased after August 10 must be picked up at Mesa College 警察 Q-100 (valid student or government identification is required).

    Daily parking permits are available for purchase from machines located in most student 停车场. Daily permit fees are $1 per hour, with a daily limit of $5. 由于 their inability to provide change, machines only accept bills and coins, and exact 需要改变. The machines are positioned at the east end of Lot 1 as you approach, in the middle of the lot near the disabled parking 空间, and near the main entrance 在平房附近. Additional machines are situated at the southern entrances to Lots 2 and 3, the west entrance of Lot 4, and adjacent to each elevator on each floor 停车场的结构.

    Virtual daily student parking permits are available for purchase online using the ParkMobile应用. 这 allows students to purchase a virtual hourly/daily permit from 智能设备. The campus code for Mesa College is 21003.

  6. 除了停车,我还有什么其他选择? 
    Using data from a Transportation Task Force under the direction of the Facilities 委员会, MesaMoves 启动. The MesaMoves page is full of transportation alternatives including 拼车、优步等等! 


Visitor parking 空间 are available on campus. Mesa College has ten (10) free visitor parking 空间 in Lot #1 in front of the 学生服务 Center and on Mesa College Circle in front of the 政府 (A-100) Bldg. 学生停车许可证则不是 valid in posted Visitor parking 空间 and no student parking is allowed in these 空间. 违规者可能会被引证. 

Daily visitor/student parking permits are available for purchase from machines located 在大多数学生停车场. Daily permits charges are $1 per hour (up to $5 a day 最大). Machines accept only cash or coins and use exact change only because the 机器不能找零. Machines are located in Lot 1 at the east end as you enter the lot, in the middle of the lot near the disabled parking 空间, and at the main entrance 在平房附近. Additional machines are located at the southern entrances of Lots 2 and 3, on the west entrance of Lot 4, and next to each elevator on all floors 停车场的结构. 

Virtual daily visitor/student parking permits are available for purchase online using ParkMobile应用程序. 这 allows students to purchase a virtual hourly/daily permit 从智能设备. The campus code for Mesa College is 21003.